Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I'm still alive

It's been a while since I updated so I apologize. I've been busy. Busy with the kids and working out. Went on vacation for a few weeks....yeah busy. With that said I'm actually busy right now so I'm going to cut this short. Now that I've downloaded the blogger app, I should be able to blog more often so keep your eyes peeled!

Friday, March 15, 2013

You can call me Martha

                                   My "celebrity" look alike...a young Martha Washington.

Welcome back! I've had time to play around with my blog and in that time I've jazzed it up a bit. I added a template and filled out my "about me" section.  I even added another photo of myself. With each blog I plan on adding more photos because I've got a ton of them and well...because no one can stop me.

I have insomnia so I suppose blogging will be perfect for me.  As I've said in my other blog, I am a stay at home mom (SAHM...remember this acronym because I'm sure I'll become lazy in the future), I have alot of time and help (from my kids) to think of random things.  So if you love such nonsense or you're just that bored or even if you like trying to catch a glimpse of my plus sized self then stay tuned. But as of tonight,  my attention keeps being pulled to the chores of the morning so I'll leave on this note.

                                                              You clever Mr. Sandler!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A little about myself!

Hmm...what to say? I guess the title says it all. I'm a plus size mom of 3 sons. I know. That's kind of alot of kids but eh...I love my chaotic paradise. And yes, I'm done. No more babies for this fixed Momma. With the 3 boys and each difficult pregnancy,  I'm grateful to have what I got. Am I bummed I don't have a girl, you ask? No! Girls are catty little creatures with too many hormone malfunctions. If it weren't for ny vagina and boobage, I think I'd enjoy manliness myself.

Now that I've answered your first few questions,  id like to tell a story. A story about a young girl. Scared of what the future held for her if it had anything for her at all. She dreamt of being a writer. Yes. She was your typically un typical girl with thos damn malfunctioning hormones. No, not really. Actually she really wasn't your typical girl. You see, she did want to be a writer but just poetry. What she really wanted to be was a mom. I know. She should have focused more on here studies. But her heart was just too big. It was so big that shed multiplied it by 4! 1 for a husband and 3 more for her children.  She was an unlucky girl in the best ways. If there is such a thing. I believe so. While, in her life she experienced more hardship than most, she kept smiling. Even when life showed her its sense of humor and gave her bells palsy. She still smiled with a croked smile.

 Now I wont get all sappy now. After all, this is my first blog ever. But I assure you I do have things to say. Not all will be sappy. Oh no. Not all. And on that notte, I shall leave you in suspense. Really,  I'm in suspense too. I dont know what ny mind will be thinking of the next time I log on. I guess we both shall see.